
Substance & Alcohol use disorder

History of Substance abuse in Nepal

Since ancient times, marijuana has been utilized in Nepal for both medicinal and ceremonial uses, including religious and cultural celebrations. However, globally various research states that marijuana is a major contributing factor in the early stages of drug addiction for many people.
Since the hippies started to enter Nepal in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the use of pharmaceutical drugs, especially heroin, has increased. HIV was discovered in its first occurrence in 1988. A category known as the Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) includes injecting drug users. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs has exacerbated juvenile violence, which is a serious issue for the public's health and safety.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs' 2020 Nepal Drug User's Survey
Total no. of Drug User's in Nepal: 1, 30,424
Male: 1, 21,692
Female: 8,732

Definition of Addiction:

“Addiction is a complex disorder characterized by compulsive drug use despite of negative consequence”.
Addiction is “Dependency” that makes our life “Unmanageability”. (Untrue Belief System)
 Inners elf (Disconnected, Void)
 Outer self ( Anger, resentment,)

According to W.H.O,

Psychoactive drugs are substances that when taken it affects mental process, e.g: perception, consciousness, mood and emotions.
There are four types of drugs categorized as psychoactive drugs:
Depressants: Like alcohol and sleeping pills.
Stimulants: ecstasy, cocaine
Opioids: Heroin, Brown sugar, Morphine
Hallucinates: LSD, Marijuana, Hashish

Causes of Addiction:

Peer pressure: Children’s behavior is shaped by their environment. Their first influences are their parents they learn how to act at home from their mother and father. Next, they learn how to act at school from their teachers. Finally, they learn how to act in their outside world from their friends and peers. Therefore, negative peer pressure may influence any children easily.
Curiosity: Some individuals experiment with recreational drugs out of curiosity, for fun, because their friends are taking it, or for other reasons. Many teens begin experimenting with drugs and alcohol simply because they are curious and want to know what it feels like.
Genetics: Teenagers may be genetically prone to experiment with drugs and alcohol and develop addictions if there is a family history of drug addiction or alcoholism. Even if making bad decisions as a teenager is inevitable, it is incorrect to attribute this to a person's DNA, especially if they lack education.
Stress/tension: They assume that it helps to alleviate issues like sadness, anxiety, or stress. These sadness may occurs by various reasons such as love tragedy, failed in exam, poverty etc.

Sign and symptoms of addiction:

 Physical: Weak (Changes in weak), Poor Personal Hygiene
 Behavioral: Changes in daily activies /hobbies, self-isolation, laziness, irresponsible
 Psychological: “They may think themselves differently: self-image” Change in personality traits, low self-esteem, and depression/anxiety

Addiction is known as the Disease of addiction declared by American Medical Associations (AMA) in 1956 which is Compulsive, progressive, incurable and fatal.

It effects: Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual

Addiction is Harmful and may cause

 Overdose
 Break up in relationship
 Blood borne diseases
 Jail/death/institutions
 Destroys family environment/ Immoral activities towards society

For the prevention of such problem of Alcohol, Substance abuse lack of awareness are often cited as the main reasons for youth getting involved in drug use. It is therefore essential to generate awareness and organize programs in schools and colleges about the ill effects of drug abuse and addiction.